
由大导演Christopher Nolan执导的科幻巨作《星际穿越》(Interstellar)正在各大院线热映,我们来听听女一号的扮演者安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)聊聊她对于导演、男主角以及片子的一些看法吧。

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You’d expect someone working at the level that he is working at to be a perfectionist, and he does have high expectations, but he’s a human being, he’s a kind man. And… I don’t know i just can’t say enough nice things about him. I’m gushing.


感觉所谓的完美主义者应该按他(Christopher Nolan)那种苛刻的工作要求来定义,而他确实对演员有很高的期望。但他也是人,一个非常友善的人,说不清原因,我就是忍不住想要赞美他。大爱导演。


Matthew is so wonderful to work with, he’s really easy. He lives his own process, but he’s respectful for other people’s process. I admire him as much as anyone I’ve ever worked with… I started to lean on him as a friend. It’s pretty cool.

和Matthew(Matthew McConaughey)合作非常美妙,他相当随和。他有自己的一套做事方法,但他也非常尊重别人的做事方法。我和许多演员都做过搭档,尤其佩服他。我已经把他当做可以倚靠的朋友,这种感觉很棒。


This movie has, without going into why, they have two really strong female heroes at the center of it. So that was…you know, I was pretty psyched to see that. And I do think not just little girls, but women and men, and little boys of all ages, it’s a pleasure to see women occupy such an important roles in a movie as they do.


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