“In the market for…”, 这个英文短语该如何理解?

昨天在Will的美语课VIP学习群中,有位会员提出了这么一个问题:”At a time when Pyongyang is believed to be inching ever closer to developing nuclear warheads, Washington and Seoul are more than ever unlikely to be in the market for a grand, symbolic gesture.” 这句话里的in the market for该如何理解?


其实,in the market for … 是一个固定的英文短语,其意思是:wanting to buy something, interested in buying,即:想购买某物,有兴趣买某样东西。其引申出的含义为:对…有兴趣。因此上面这段文字中的”… Washington and Seoul are more than ever unlikely to be in the market for a grand, symbolic gesture.”可以理解为:华盛顿及首尔对做出象征性的高姿态根本毫无兴趣。

注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2017年3月09日 4:33:12 PM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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