
“瞧不起人、势利眼的”用英文翻译是:snobbish,常指一些人趋炎附势,瞧不起、排斥(exclude)地位比自己低(inferior)的个人或群体,并阻止他们的地位上升。我们来看看snobbish的英文解释: characteristic of those who incline to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior;Characteristic of or resembling a snob.(具有snob特征的)注意snob是snobbish的名词形式,指“势利眼”。Snobbish的近义词有:pretentious.


在美剧《劳拉的秘密》(The mysterious of Laura)第一季episode 1中,Laura的老公Jake想让2个孩子入Pre-K(学前班),但被学校的面试官无情拒绝,Jake忍无可忍,对不近人情的女面试官大发牢骚:“I might no the father of the year, but this woman works her ass off and is still there for her sons, She’s the best mom you could hope to have in your stupid school. You snobbish Pre-K Nazi queen!” 其中就用到了snobbish这个词。

注:本文由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创,最后更新时间为:2016年7月03日 8:50:28 AM。未经授权,严禁转载。
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