“Cash incinerator”是什么意思?

“Cash incinerator”,意思是:烧钱机器,这里的incinerator,指的是焚烧器、焚烧装置。Cash incinerator常用来指需要快速消耗大量现金,又无法实现盈利(至少在短期内)的企业。类似的说法还有:cash burner。

前两天,知名投资分析网站Gurufocus就有一篇文章,指”Tesla Is a Cash Incinerator, not a Disruptor”(特斯拉只是一部烧钱机器,而非颠覆者。),该文将Tesla与Amazon, Facebook进行对比,诟病特斯拉至今无法做到现金流的自给自足。

当然,一些特斯拉的坚定支持者也立即在文下进行了反驳,有评论写道:”Fatal flaw in the analysis is that Tesla makes a product, FB and Amazon do not. Either Tesla doesn’t make it or they bury the rest of the auto industry and they still have that solar business. It’s a gamble worth taking…… all of nothing with Elon – I see him no different than Steve Jobs!”,该网友表示”It’s a gamble worth taking”(值得放手一搏), “I see him no different than Steve Jobs”(在我看来,埃隆.马斯克与乔帮主无异。)





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