



A turnpike is a road or highway on which drivers may travel for a fee. On a turnpike, an authority collects a toll from drivers as they enter the road, exit it, or while they’re traveling on it. Turnpikes, or toll roads, exist around the world. In the United States, they are most heavily concentrated in the eastern portion of the country. Toll amounts vary with each turnpike; in some places, tolls vary according to vehicle class as well.

也就说:Turnpike是针对司机收费的普通或高速路。司机在进出turnpike时,需向公路管理方交费(toll)。Turnpikes,也被称为toll roads,在全球非常普遍。在美国,Turnpike主要集中在东部地区。各条收费路的费用标准不尽相同,并会针对车辆的类型进行收费。


The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) has approved toll rates for a cashless, nonstop tolling point for westbound motorists crossing the Delaware River Bridge from New Jersey into Pennsylvania on Interstate 276.


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