《时代》主编: Ebola Fighters为何当选2014年度人物?(中英文对照)

他们承受风险,始终坚持。他们牺牲自我,拯救他人。《时代》主编Nancy Gibbs亲述:为何埃博拉医护人员(Ebola Fighters)被选为2014年度人物。 加入1000位小伙伴,阅读更多精彩英语文章,学习Will老师原创美语口语语音课程,欢迎订阅优秀的微信学英语公众号:WillsEnglishCourse They risked and persisted, sacrificed and saved. Editor Nancy Gibbs explains why the Ebola Fighters are TIME’s choice for Person of the Year 2014… Not the glittering weapon fights the fight, says the proverb, but rather the hero’s heart. 有句格言是这么说的:在战场上浴血奋战的不是那些明晃晃的武器,而是英雄的心。 Maybe this is true in any battle; it is surely true … Read more

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