“In wake of”是什么意思? 如何翻译?

In (the) wake of的意思是:as a result of some event; following something… ; after something。如果翻译为中文,可以说:在…发生之后;紧随…之后;因为…原因。我们看一个最近的新闻标题:Apple boosts iPhone 7 production in wake of Galaxy Note 7 recall(趁着三星Galaxy Note 7召回,苹果猛增iPhone 7产量)再看一个in the wake of的英文例句:The airport lowered parking rates in the wake of many complaints from drivers who felt the rates were far too high.(在那些觉得停车费高得离谱的司机们投诉后,机场下调了停车费。)In the wake of是英文媒体中经常出现的一个短语,非常实用哦。


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