Writ large是什么意思?

不知道你是否熟悉这个短语: writ large,总之我是今天首次见到。一番研究之后发现,它其实是个很实用的英文表达,来和我学习它的发音和用法吧。 本来,Will是想研究一下“Fifty Shades of Grey”(中译名:《五十度灰》)这个BDSM题材的小说系列为何如此爆红。结果看到了该书作者E.L.James的一段访谈,她在分享这部颇具争议作品的创作起源时,用到了”writ large”这个短语。原文如下: James initially wrote fan fiction under the pen name “Snowqueen’s Icedragon”, with her most notable work being a Twilight fanfiction that eventually developed into Fifty Shades of Grey, which was subsequently adapted into a film. James has spoken of her shock at the success of the book. … Read more


10条给2014美国大学毕业生的建议,来自美国顶级招聘网站Simply Hired的CEO: James Beriker。本文为USA Today的2014年8月份最热门文章之一,在Facebook及Twitter被广为转发。必看! 1、Have a plan – and change it often 为自己拟定规划,并适时调整 You have all been taught to “have a plan.” Go to this high school, take those classes, achieve those grades, go to that college, take that major. When you graduate, get that job, make that salary, get promoted and work your … Read more

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