Level playing field是什么意思?

Level playing field这个英文短语常常在商业相关的语境中出现,可你知道它具体是什么意思吗?这个短语中的level,以及playing field又指的是什么呢?

其实,level playing field的意思是:公平竞争环境。维基百科指出:In commerce, a level playing field is a concept about fairness, not that each player has an equal chance to succeed, but that they all play by the same set of rules. 商业环境中,level playing field是一个有关公平的概念,这并非指每个玩家都具有平等的成功机会,而是指他们都遵守相同的游戏规则。

知名财经知识站点Investorwords对Level playing field的英文解释是:Environment in which all companies in a given market must follow the same rules and are given an equal ability to compete. 指特定市场中所有公司都必须遵守相同规则、并被给予平等竞争能力的环境。

仔细分析一下这个短语的构成会帮你更好地记忆、理解它。所谓playing field是体育运动里“赛场”的意思。Level在这里作为形容词,意思是“水平的”、“平整的”(having an even or flat surface; being in a plane parallel to the plane of the horizon; horizontal.)。对于在竞赛场地中打比赛的运动来说,为确保公平竞争,比赛双方通常会在半场的时候交换场地。这样就不会有任何一方会因为场地的原因导致竞争时处于劣势。


最后,我们看几个来自Investorwords,关于如何在日常口语中使用level playing field的例子:

You should always try to offer a level playing field at your work place so everyone has a fair chance.

Company executives were happy to see the shady dealings of their competitors finally come to a halt now that government regulatory agencies were in place to prevent malfeasance and maintain a level playing field for all companies.


关于level playing field,有一个很有意思的用法变化,在这里做个补充说明。你只需在level后面加一个单词the,就可以把level由形容词(adjective)变成一个动词(verb),整个短语也由名词短语变为动词短语:level the playing field,意思是:使竞争环境变得公平。(参见thefreedictionary.com的解释:to give everyone the same advantages or opportunities. “It was an effort to level the playing field and achieve greater equality between the sexes.” )



根据Oxford Dictionaries,Abide的英文意思是:“Accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation)”,即:服从或按照决定/规则行事。Dictionary.com对abide的解释包括:“to accept without opposition or question”,即:接受,无反对意见及问题。

Sparknotes在The 1000 Most Common SAT Words(1000个常用SAT词汇)中指出,abide还有”to put up with”的意思,意即:忍受。例句:Though he did not agree with the decision, Chuck decided to abide by it(尽管不同意该决定,Chuck仍决定服从)。


最近Colorado movie theater massacre案件的主犯James Holmes被科罗拉多州Arapahoe County District Court裁定为终身监禁不得保释(life in prison without parole),一些受害者(victims)家属认为该案的最终判决不够公平,他们表示:“He is living, he is breathing and our loved ones are gone.”, “Doesn’t make sense and I don’t believe it. We still have to abide by it and accept it and there’s those of us that believe, you know, he may be killed in prison which would probably happen sooner than if he were sentenced to death. However we just have to deal and accept it.” (例句来自:PBS, August 8, 2015)

在上面的段落中,用到了一个固定词组,abide by,意思是“to submit to; agree to”。在这里,受害者的家属其实表达了一层put up with的意思:尽管不满意,却不得不接受现实(deal and accept it)。



由万达投资的美国拳击剧情电影Southpaw由好莱坞一线男星Jake Gyllenhaal担纲,该片的中译名是《铁拳》,其实属意译,你知道Southpaw到底是什么意思吗?

尽管电影Southpaw被翻译为《铁拳》,但这个单词的真正意思是:左撇子。请看Dictionary.com对Southpaw的解释:a person who is left-handed. 在体育项目中,Southpaw的说法常用于两类竞技。一种是棒球(baseball),指a player who throws with the left hand, especially a pitcher. 也就是在棒球运动中以左手投球的投手。

另一种运动,与《铁拳》密切相关,就是拳击(boxing)。A boxer who leads with the right hand and stands with the right foot forward, using the left hand for the most powerful blows.专指右脚在前,右手为前手拳,左拳为后手重拳的拳手(Will注:专业的说法叫“左架”,或“反架”)。在电影中,Jake Gyllenhaal饰演的Billy Hope是位左撇子拳手。【2015.9.1更新:好吧,根据Will最新了解到的信息,在影片中,Billy Hope其实并非是位左撇子拳手。基本上,他采用的是正架站位(orthodox stance)。包括在影片的宣传海报中,我们可以看到Jake Gyllenhaal也并非以反架姿势出现。所以,也许从这个角度来看,Southpaw的名字也许有些名不副实?或者根本就是一个误解?关于这个问题,如果你有兴趣的话,请参考这两篇英文文章:‘Southpaw’ doesn’t appear to be about a southpaw(’southpaw’似乎貌似与左撇子无关),A Southpaw’s Review(一个左撇子拳手的影评)】


我们看下面的示例,图中女拳手就是使用的左架站位(Southpaw Stance)。


为什么southpaw是左撇子的意思?Southpaw的起源/由来是什么?Dictionary.com继续解释:from paw (in the sense: hand): originally a term applied to a left-handed baseball player: perhaps so called because baseball pitchers traditionally face west, so that a left-handed pitcher would throw with the hand on the south side of his body。源自paw(爪)这个单词,有“手”之意。最初用于棒球中的左撇子投手。south呢?可能因棒球投手传统上面向西边,则左撇子投手的手正好位于身体南侧。

在接受媒体采访时,Jake Gyllenhaal坦言,自己此前在打拳方面根本就是小白(didn’t know how to throw a punch),为了更好诠释角色,花了1个月的时间苦练刺拳(Jab),又花了1个月的时间练习脚法(footwork),且全程拒用替身(double)。(以下是Jake访谈的音频片段,你可以试试把内容听写出来,回复在评论中哦)

《华盛顿邮报》对Jake演出的评价是“脱胎换骨”(Jake Gyllenhaal transforms in the boxing drama ‘Southpaw’)。看来为了演绎好轻重量级拳王(light heavyweight champion of the world)的角色,Jake的确是蛮拼的。


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