“One night stand”为什么是”一夜情”的意思?

“一夜情”,指男女双方纯粹为了性而发生的短暂关系,通常只持续一个夜晚。一夜情性关系非常随意(casual sex,casual act of sexual intercourse),而一夜缠绵过后,双方分道扬镳,从此再无交集。

也许你已经知道,“一夜情”的英文是“one night stand”(也写作one-night stand),这个短语里的”one night”容易理解,指一夜。那么stand在这个短语中代表什么含义呢?

其实,one night stand这个短语最早与男女情感、两性并没有太大关系。最初,one night stand表示“剧团或表演者在特定场所提供的仅持续一晚的短暂演出”(a troupe or performance that offers a show for one night only in a certain locale.)。在这里,stand表示站在舞台上进行表演,比如:美国喜剧脱口秀类节目就被称为stand-up。之后,one night stand逐步引申为短暂的两性关系(参考英文解释:A one night stand in the context of a relationship refers to a sexual interaction that only lasts one evening. )。


发生了一夜情,说法是”have a one-night stand”。One night stand除了表示一夜情,还可以表示与之发生一夜情的对象,即一夜情的参与一方。另外,注意区分one night stand和friends with benefits,二者并不等同。

参考下面的几个与one night stand有关的地道英语例句:

“I’m not into one-night stands. I’ve only slept with three guys in my life and they all involve relationships.”

“She said she’s just looking for a one night stand.”

“I’m not the type of guy who enjoys one-night stands. It leaves me feeling very empty and cynical.” (Ben Affleck)

(注:本文配图:Ming-Na Wen与Wesley Snipes,来自电影《one night stand》(1997)剧照)


充电桩(或充电站)是用来给电动汽车(EV)充电的设备,是传统加油站及gas pump的替代品。

英文里,充电桩的常用说法是:Charging Station,或Charging Point。有时也可简称为:Charger,charger通常特指具体的一根充电桩。电动汽车充电桩的完整英文翻译是:Electric Vehicle Charging Station,也可简称为EV charging station。


目前,美国市场上比较流行的充电桩牌子是Blink,它是ECOtality旗下的品牌。Blink销售的充电桩大致分为两类:家用(home charger)及商用(commercial charger)。当前美国的charging station统一使用的充电接头标准是:SAE J1772。

除了普通的充电桩外,还有一种快速充电桩,能在短时间内迅速为电动汽车充电。最有名的快速充电桩当属特斯拉(Tesla Motors)的Supercharger Station了,它能在30分钟内为Tesla的Model S充满约80%的电量。堪称super fast!


你可能知道大学生的统称是:college students。但你是否知道,大学四年里,各年级大学生的英语称谓是什么呢?



如果你只是想表达大学的四个年级(学年),而非对应年级的学生,你可以直接在学生的称谓后面添加一个year就可以了。比如:大一年级,英语说法是:freshman year. 大二年级,英语说法是:sophomore year。大三年级:junior year。大四年级:你猜到了,senior year。


  • I learned a lot during my freshman year, though, and as I learned I began to focus on more productive things.
  • I’m a senior student and I’m really enjoying my college journey more than my high school days.

另外,你知道吗?其实对于美国的高中(high school)而言,其学生和学年的英语表达和大学是完全一致的哦。

美国油价创10年新低, 推高劳工节(Labor Day)出游热潮

Labor Day travelers have a high-octane(adj. 强烈的) reason to hit the road(v.上路) this weekend — gas prices are at their lowest levels in more than a decade.


The national average for a gallon of gas is expected to drop to $2.44 a gallon this weekend — marking the lowest price since 2004, according to an analysis by GasBuddy.com.



The plummeting prices at the pump are fueling a major uptick(n.上升) in the number of Americans expected to travel this weekend.


More than 35 million people are predicted to head out of town(v. 出城) over the holiday — the highest number since the 2008 recession, according to AAA. “In New York, it’s a dollar a gallon cheaper than last year,” said AAA Northeast New York regional spokesman Robert Sinclair.

根据AAA(American Automobile Association,美国汽车协会),2015年劳工节,预计超过3500万人将出城旅行–创出自2008年经济衰退以来的最高数值。“在纽约,每加仑油价与去年同期相比要便宜1美元。”AAA纽约东北区发言人Robert Sinclair表示。

(本篇英语新闻选自:nydailynews.com,原文标题:Gas prices at record low for Labor Day weekend,Friday, September 4, 2015, 8:02 PM)

Why we look? –对于美国WDBJ电台枪击惨案的思考

In light of the tragic on-air shooting at WDBJ in Roanoke, Virginia, John Biggs wrote a thought piece titled “Why We Look,” in which he discusses the issues that arise when the Internet and social media provide us with direct access to sensitive and disturbing content.



基于近期弗吉尼亚州Roanoke的WDBJ电视台于直播期间发生的枪击惨案事件,John Biggs撰写了一篇题为《我们为什么要看》的发人深省的文章(若访问TechCrunch有问题,可本地下载并阅读”Why we look“文章)。该文中,他探讨了当互联网与社交媒体能让我们轻易观看到一些敏感、令人不适内容的同时,随之带来的一系列问题。


(本文配图:WDBJ枪击案遇害播音员: Alison Parker, Adam Ward)

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