
I think the biggest difference between Facebook and other companies is how focused we are on our mission(使命)…Different companies care about different things. There are companies that care about, just really care about having the biggest market cap(市值). Or there are companies that are really into(喜好) process or the way they do things. Hewlett Packard(惠普), … Read more


10条给2014美国大学毕业生的建议,来自美国顶级招聘网站Simply Hired的CEO: James Beriker。本文为USA Today的2014年8月份最热门文章之一,在Facebook及Twitter被广为转发。必看! 1、Have a plan – and change it often 为自己拟定规划,并适时调整 You have all been taught to “have a plan.” Go to this high school, take those classes, achieve those grades, go to that college, take that major. When you graduate, get that job, make that salary, get promoted and work your … Read more


著名演员罗宾.威廉姆斯去世,怀疑系自杀 奥斯卡奖得主、喜剧巨星罗宾.威廉姆斯于周一去世,疑死于自杀,享年63岁。多年来,凭借其大量关于流行文化的即兴桥段及搞笑模仿,罗宾.威廉姆斯迷倒了大批观众。同时,他也成为信息时代一位独具魅力的喜剧王者。 来源:MSN news 版权声明:如无特别说明,本站所有文章均由Will的美语课(Learnenglishwithwill.com)原创。本站欢迎少量文字引用,但请注明出处。任何网站或个人,未经授权,不得抄袭、转载、盗用本站内容,违者必究。 Actor Robin Williams found dead in apparent suicide Robin Williams, the Academy Award winner and comic supernova whose explosions of pop culture riffs and impressions dazzled audiences for decades and made him a gleamy-eyed laureate for the Information Age, died Monday in an apparent suicide. He was 63. Source: MSN … Read more

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