Down payment是什么意思?


Down payment(也称为downpayment),中文意思是“首付款”。Wikipedia对down payment的英文解释如下:

Down payment (or downpayment) is a payment used in the context of the purchase of expensive items such as a car and a house, whereby the payment is the initial upfront portion of the total amount due and it is usually given in cash at the time of finalizing the transaction. A loan or the amount in cash is then required to make the full payment.


Investopedia进一步指出:The payment typically represents only a percentage of the full purchase price; in some cases it is not refundable if the deal falls through. 首付款通常以总价款的百分比形式计算。某些情形下,若交易未能达成,该款项不予退还。

For example, because houses are extremely expensive assets, home buyers typically pay down payments that equal 5-25% of the total value of a home. The remaining 75-95% of the price will be covered by a bank or other financial institutions through a mortgage loan.
在美国,购房者通常需支付房屋总价的5-25%(Bankrate.com甚至指出,首付百分比最低可达到3-3.5%),剩余的75-95%则通过银行或其他金融机构以住房抵押贷款(或称按揭贷款:mortgage loan)的方式偿还。

支付首付款的英语说法是:make down payment,或者put down…on…。美国人在口语中常常把down payment简化为put down,你可能会听到这样的交谈:“Alex put 20 percent down on the house.”意思等同于:“Alex made a 20 percent down payment.”(Alex交了20%的首付。)也可以说:I would try to put down at least $7,500 if possible. (可能的话,我愿意交7500美元的首付。)

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