“赢家通吃”, 英文该怎么翻译?


英文里,赢家通吃可以翻译为:Winner take all,或者Winner takes all。

Cambridge Dictionary对winner takes all的英文解释如下:(of a competition) resulting in the entire prize going to the one competitor who wins


Investopedia则指出:A winner-takes-all market is when the best performers capture a very large share of the rewards, and the remaining competitors are left with little. (赢家通吃的市场,指的是表现最佳者可以攫取最大份额的回报,而其余竞争者的获利则少得可怜。)

参考英文例句:In Silicon Valley Now, It’s Almost Always Winner Takes All.(当今的硅谷,赢家通吃几成定局。)



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